Ethics and environmental statement

Taking responsibility for all


As a family business, we offer first-class quality and innovative products with services that offer our customers a high level of benefit. Qualified employees, modern work equipment, efficient organisation and cost-conscious action ensure our optimum performance with the aim of the Group's economic success. We comply with laws, rules, regulations and voluntary agreements.

We reject partners or enquiries that do not comply with our moral and ethical principles. We recognise our responsibility for people, society and the environment in our value chain.


Our customers are at the centre of all our activities. In doing so, we build on long-term, partnership-based and trusting cooperation. Every customer is important to us. We are open to suggestions and criticism and treat our customers with respect and honesty. We are committed to free and performance-orientated competition. Discretion is a matter of course, and intellectual and material property is protected. Our companies do not allow distortions of competition through corruption, deception, theft, fraud or collusion with competitors.


We work with our partners constructively and on a long-term basis. We honour agreements and expect the same from our suppliers. Joint efforts result in success for both sides.

GARREIS negotiates decently and co-operatively with its service providers. If we identify deviations from our policy, we set deadlines to correct them and inform them of progress. Our agreements stand for fair working conditions and take into account, among other things, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


All our employees deliver outstanding performance. A high level of expertise and personal responsibility are a matter of course for us. Our dealings with each other are correct, open, respectful and trusting. We consider a pleasant working atmosphere, health and safety to be success factors. Regular training and further education increases our knowledge and skills. GARREIS offers employees the same opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, age, religion, ideology, lifestyle, etc. Management and executives are responsible for communicating these principles and values and demanding that others adhere to them.


GARREIS has customers and partners all over the world. When working together, we honour and respect cultural, ethical and religious differences. We participate in a functioning society and encourage others to make their contribution. We regularly support cultural, charitable and social projects. Sustainable, recyclable and environmentally friendly products are prioritised where economically feasible. We use the resources entrusted to us sensibly and sparingly. We rely on efficient machines and processes to minimise the use of materials and reduce the environmental impact of the entire production cycle.

We stand up for this!