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Recycled label carrier material
Labels are multi-layered. They usually consist of three layers. The first layer is the face material (the printable side), underneath is the adhesive layer and a silicone-based backing material. The face material including the adhesive and the backing material can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
Cycle4green - on behalf of the environment
The Cycle4green organisation focuses on the recycling of backing paper throughout Europe. Customers can have the collected backing material collected. The material is then recycled in a paper mill in Austria. Cycle4green's recycling service can significantly reduce disposal costs and environmental impact. The basis for this is an innovative technology for processing silicone-coated waste paper.

From waste back to recycled paper
In Europe, around 400,000 tonnes of backing material are generated as waste in label production every year. Most of this waste ends up in landfill sites or is incinerated and harms our environment. To avoid this and put the waste to good use, it is worth collecting the backing paper waste generated during production and returning it to the label production cycle.